
Friday, 13 March 2020

Tips For Women Traveling Alone

If you are planning on traveling alone and you are a woman, make sure to conduct  thorough research about the country you are traveling to. This is because each country’s culture and laws may be quite different from yours, so their views on the appropriate behavior for women might also be different. You may not share the same beliefs as them but once you enter their country it is wise to abide by their laws and customs. For example, did you know that it is illegal in Laos to invite a national of the opposite sex to your hotel room? Or, that there have been instances where tourists are arrested for what is considered to be “improper dressing” in Saudi Arabia?

Women that travel on their own tend to be more at risk when visiting certain cultures. Be mindful of the following tips, so your trip can be safer and more enjoyable.

Remember to check that your passport is still valid. Also, verify what travel documents, visas, entry and exit requirements are needed before you travel. 

Make sure to leave a copy of your itinerary, passport, ticket, name, address and telephone number of your accommodation with a trusted family or friend at home.

Plan a time each day when you will contact them, so they know you are alright.

Do not pack anything valuable or sentimental unless it is absolutely necessary.

If your health coverage does not cover you overseas and includes medical evacuations. Be sure to purchase travel insurance so you have proper coverage.

If you have a medical condition or if you are pregnant you should check with your doctor before traveling. Some countries have very strict laws regarding medication being brought in, so make sure to check, if you need to travel with your prescription medicine. 

Find out the current social and political situation of your destination. As there are many exotic countries with very conservative views about women.

Locals usually can recognize if you are a tourist, but being a woman traveling alone may seem even more strange in certain places.

Be very vigilant and mindful of your surroundings. If you have any issues check the American Citizens section at the local U. S. Embassy or Consulate, to get any up-to-date security information. 

Do not make it obvious you are traveling alone. You might want to think about wearing a wedding ring if you are single. If you believe that you are being followed go into a public place such as a store or any place you consider safe until the person passes. Do not be reluctant in asking for someone’s help to also check to make sure you are safe.

Personal Protection:

Look confident while you are going about your business, this may help to keep you from being a target.

 If you need directions before heading out, ask your hotel concierge or any staff member.  If you find that you are lost, don’t panic. Ask someone who is out with their family or you can go into a nearby business place and ask for directions. 

When booking your hotel make sure you choose one that has proper security and transportation in the vicinity. Do a safety check in your hotel room when you arrive, be sure that all the doors and windows can be secured. If you ever feel uncomfortable walking to your room or to and from the parking lot at night, ask the hotel security to escort you.  Do not open your door to strangers, always check your peephole if someone knocks. 

Do your research about the type of clothing that is culturally acceptable and while there observe how the local women dress and try to imitate them. Do not draw attention to yourself with excessive makeup or jewelry.

If you do comprehensive research about your destination before you leave, be alert and observant while you are there, then you should be able to have a safe and fun trip.

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